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Excited and terrified in equal measure...

It's official.

I've signed up for my first Open Studios event. The application is in, fee paid and now the nerves are setting in.

What if nobody comes?

What if people come but they hate my work?

What if they leave, sniggering behind their hands, muttering, "Who does she think she is, calling herself an artist?"

I guess all makers and artists must suffer from the same insecurity complex, constantly comparing their work to that of others and always falling short, in their own minds at least.

For me, I know I need to tackle this by spending the summer creating a body of work that I am proud to show. Then come September, and the opening weekend of Perthshire Open Studios (1 - 9 September), all that remains is for me to open the door, and see what happens.

Wish me luck!

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